Are you wondering how to integrate Loose Parts into your play ecosystem successfully?

Look no further! The Playful Transformation Loose Parts Method is here to support you. This method is based on years of research and experience, and it will guide you step by step as you increase your depth of practice.

With this method, you’ll be able to create innovative approaches that will engage and delight children. You’ll see their creativity flourish as they explore the endless possibilities of Loose Parts.

Purchase the Playful Transformation Loose Parts Method  Bundle today! It will change the way you think about integrating Loose Parts into your program.

Bundle Overview

The courses are designed into four separate but integrated modules. The content in each module scaffolds to strengthen your depth of practice.

Course 1 - Setting the Stage! Introduction to The Loose Part Method - From Theory to Practice


  • Validate the importance of Loose Parts play as a vehicle for inquiry and deeper learning
  • Embrace the value of loose parts to promote play, creativity, and innovation
  • Analyze the influence of early learning theories and the process of child development. identity formation, and learning
  • Design an ecosystem that promotes a sense of belonging 
  • Evaluate their teaching values and their image of children 

Chapter 1: Loose Parts Educational Philosophy 

Chapter 2: Overview of play and its influence on learning

Chapter3: Environments that create a sense of belonging 

Chapter 4: Education Values and our image of children  

Chapter 5 - Part 1: Early Learning Theories Made Visible 

Chapter 5 - Part 2: Introduction to theories and pedagogies - Diverse perspectives

Course 2 - The Loose Parts Basics - Observe and Support Children’s Interests


  • Recognize the affordances and characteristics of Loose Parts 
  • Defend the value of Loose Parts in promoting children’s play and learning 
  • Evaluate the affordances of Loose Parts when selecting and infusing them into an early childhood ecosystem 

Chapter 1: Characteristics of Loose Parts  

Chapter 2: Affordances of Loose Parts  

Chapter 3: The types of Loose Parts  

Chapter 4: The Value of Loose Parts 

Chapter 5: Selecting and Infusing Loose Parts

Course - 3 Designing Loose Parts Play Ecosystems

Outcomes: At the end of Part Three, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the elements of design 
  • Apply the elements of design when creating early childhood ecosystems 
  • Reflect on how Loose Parts in designing early childhood ecosystems


Chapter 1: Starting in the corner 

Chapter 2: Applying the elements of design 

Chapter 3: Organizational systems and consideration  

Chapter 4: Finding the unexpected discoveries 

Chapter 5: Critical Reflection to support Loose Parts Play

Course 4 - Designing Inspirations, Invitation and Provocations That Promote Equity and Inclusion

Outcomes: At the end of Part Four, participants will be able to: 

  • Design Play Invitations to engage children’s curiosity. 
  • Recognize the power of Loose Parts to promote equality, equity, and inclusion 
  • Relate the Loose Parts Educational Philosophy to standards.


Chapter 1: Setting provocations, Invitations, and Inspirations  

Chapter 2: Loose parts to support equity, equality, and inclusion 

Chapter 3. Observing and reflecting to support children’s interests and ideas  

Chapter 4: PromotingInquiry 

Chapter 5: Making Connections to Standards